Sakarit (pronounced: Sa-ka-rit) is a multidisciplinary maximalist designer and a Proxima Centauri enthusiast who focuses on Environmental Graphic Design. This field combines graphic design, videos, sculpture, interior design, and various other design disciplines to create visually engaging, informative, or aesthetic environments.

Sakarit’s collection of works focuses on the use of graphic elements and signage to communicate information. It also embraces the concept of “Gesamtkunstwerk,” influenced by Wagner’s idea of a “total work of art” or an “all-embracing art form.” This approach enhances the audience’s experience and reinforces the identity, branding, and aesthetics of a place.

Furthermore, as a maximalist, Sakarit often incorporates intricate and elaborate, multilayered objects into his works. As humorous as he is, his works are also very whimsical and enjoyable to look at.


Illustration, Photomontage
Revitalize photomontages by swapping their original meanings with new adjectives like Ethereal, Affectionate, and Expressive, aiming to enrich their impact and appeal in varied contexts.

Creative Brief

Photomontages originally categorized with adjectives like Affectionate, Ethereal, and Creeping are now reimagined with new adjectives such as Ethereal, Affectionate, and Expressive, enhancing their meaning and impact.


Not only swapping their meanings and reconceptualizing them with new adjectives like Ethereal, Affectionate, and Expressive, but also incorporating diverse elements such as illustrations and found images to elevate their new meanings to the next level.


The final outcome presents intricately layered photomontages featuring a rich array of found images. With their fine-art quality and vibrant color palettes, these compositions are well-suited for integration into commercial product designs.
Tools and skills used for this project
This mockup presents the artwork from this series of "Reinvention" can be appreciated in the living room setting.

REIMAGIИƎ RƎINVEИTION Into the New Realms Start Your Journey

From the Affectionate to the Ethereal

This mockup presents the artwork "From the Affectionate to the Ethereal" can be appreciated in the living room setting.
This mockup presents the artwork "From the Affectionate to the Ethereal" can be appreciated in the living room setting.
Transforming Found into Unique: Where Imagination Meets Aesthetic.
Transforming Found into Unique: Where Imagination Meets Aesthetic.

From the Ethereal to the Affectionate


From the Creeping to the Expressive

The mockup of "Reinvention" series "The Creeping to The Expressive" is being displayed as a painting in the museum.
The mockup of "Reinvention" series "The Creeping to The Expressive" is being displayed as a painting in the museum.
The mockup of "Reinvention" series "The Creeping to The Expressive" is being displayed as a painting in the museum.
The mockup of "Reinvention" series "The Creeping to The Expressive" is being displayed as a painting in the museum.

From the Expressive to the Creeping

The mockup poster of "Reinvention" series "The Expressive to The Creeping" is being displayed as a poster on the wall.
The mockup poster of "Reinvention" series "The Expressive to The Creeping" is being displayed as a poster on the wall.

